• No Time Limited ownership , Managed Farmlands
  • 30 Years Of Experience

You don’t need to be an expert in agriculture to make a good profit from investing in agricultural land. With Agro Invest Spain, you can buy land in Spain that is valuable and lucrative without needing any expertise about the labor-intensive day-to-day operations of farming. Agricultural real estate acts as a stabilizing element in your portfolio that can generate long-term wealth due to its minimal link to economic downturns and outstanding historical performance compared to other asset classes. As farmland values climb, this industry will continue to be a wise investment for the foreseeable future. So, what are the top questions our investors ask about investing in agricultural land?

Is Investing in Agricultural Land a Safe Investment?

While there is never a 100% guarantee with any investment, many experts consider agriculture investment safe since it offers higher returns than other assets and gives investors financial security. One of the key factors contributing to the attractiveness of investing in agricultural land is the variety of alternatives it offers for generating income and facilitating wealth. This is especially valid when there is high inflation. Farmers obtain better crop prices during these times as food prices rise and their land appreciates. As a result, agricultural land values have historically strongly correlated with inflation.

What are the Risks of Investing in Agricultural Land?

Knowing the risks is essential before making any investment. Farmland is a reliable asset that generates income even in difficult economic times, so investing in it is wise. Before you add an agricultural asset to your portfolio, careful due diligence can assist you in weighing the potential negatives of this agriculture investment. Relying on experienced agro-investment companies, such as Argo Invest Spain, to assist you in choosing and managing your agriculture investment is one approach to reducing the risk associated with investing in agricultural land

Some of the risks for agriculture investment are interest rates, climate concerns, and producer concentration. For example, wildfires and floods can destroy crops and valuable land. You also have limited influence over environmental elements such as precipitation, climate, pests, and diseases that affect crop returns. Furthermore, interest rates can impact income and production expenses for farms. Finally, if you choose to operate as an owner-operator, expect modest short-term profits, as the nature of investing in agricultural land means greater returns in the long run.

What are the Benefits of Buying the Agricultural Land?

At Agro Invest Spain, we provide clients with a secure way to buy land in Spain for agriculture investment in managed farmland. Our investors own freehold quality farmland where we manage the cultivation of our clients’ almond plantations. Investors find this ownership very alluring because it gives them direct land ownership in a particular farm rather than stock or fund shares. Additionally, the relatively low investment requirements and the dual income streams with this ownership structure provide improved diversification. Furthermore, you don’t have to be concerned about the land-rent contracts being terminated or renewed. By purchasing, you can increase your equity and make later purchases more easily financed. Finally, owning land can help you amass long-term wealth.

What Drives Agriculture Investment Returns?

One of the reasons investing in agricultural land is such a reliable, income-producing investment is that food is an asset class that will continue to be in high demand even as prices increase. Crop harvesting and sales are additional ways that purchasing farmland might yield significant rewards. Crop-specific yields and harvesting times vary, but double-digit returns are typically possible. Many farmers have benefited from the historically high inflation rate due to various commodities, including wheat, achieving record-high crop prices. 

Another marker driving high returns for agriculture investment is the scarcity of agricultural land. According to a recent study, the rate at which adequate or high-quality food-producing land is being lost worldwide is far more than the rate at which natural processes replace depleted soil. Between 2005 and 2020, there were 37% fewer farms in the EU. This amounted to the closure of 5.3 million farms in all Member States. Farmland will only appreciate as the available supply decreases, making this the ideal time to invest in Spain.

What Investment Returns Can I Expect?

The two primary sources of returns you are exposed to when investing in agricultural land are the growth in the property’s value and the yearly income from the farm’s operations. These income streams depend on the varieties of crops planted and how the farm is run, including whether it is under direct control or leasing. The average annual rate of return on farmland during the past 20 years was 11%, outperforming the stock market by 1.5% over the same period while exhibiting substantially lower volatility. Other asset types, including stocks, bonds, gold, and commercial real estate, have traditionally underperformed compared to agriculture investment.

Time to Recap

Both immediate and long-term wealth-building opportunities are provided by investing in agricultural land. As a physical asset, the land parcel itself exceeds its worth in your investment portfolio over time. Its low-risk profile can assist in holding diversity and provide a counterbalance to other volatile assets. Our investors can see their capital flourish since we offer a robust agricultural investment in Spain. Why not seize this opportunity to learn more about our agricultural land for sale in Spain? Get in touch with one of our expert advisors at Agro Invest Spain to secure an agriculture investment that will provide you with significant appreciation and additional passive income.

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