• No Time Limited ownership , Managed Farmlands
  • 30 Years Of Experience


Buy Managed Farmland and Own
The Future Today

15 Years
Management Guarantee  

Starting from € 11,25 per sqm
Average Potential: 8 to 12 % returns on investment


Divided Farmlands

High ROI

Over 10% Average Potential


20 Years in The Field

Pro Team

Professional Agri Team


We Own Processing Factories

Revolutionary Farmland Investment Model

Spain is the food basket of Europe. We offer a revolutionary investment model where investors can own managed almond farmlands in Spain with a 15-year management guarantee.

A ZERO-hassle investment! We manage the entire process from development, management, harvest, processing, and selling.

Invest with only a 28,000 euro down payment and get 24 months of interest-free installments.

+34 648181148

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Happy Customers


Staff in 3 Countries

Invest4Land Konsept Tarım API Group Fabrika Tarım Başarı Çiftçi Yatırım2

Earn Higher Returns Than Traditional Real Estate
Investments NOT A LEASE!

Investors own the farmland with unlimited time ownership. The investor’s farmland is registered with the public notary with the exact location and coordination.

Investors can resell the land whenever they want.

Dedicated Almond Processing Facility for The Top-Quality Production.

With the security and experience of Agro Concept!

Harvest Purchase Guarantee.

Agro Concept is one of the leaders in almond production in Europe!

About Us

Unlimited Time Ownership

Our experienced team has over 20 years experience in the agriculture industry and we believe that success in this industry comes with innovation and know-how. So far, our management company manages over 3 Million sqm area of Almond farmlands in the region with dedicated staff. We are constantly looking for methods to increase profit and sustainability in our farms.

Land Preparation

Cleaning the land, preparing the soil, water drilling, and planting the trees.

Land Management

Watering and maintaining trees to ensure healthy growth and protection from illness and infection.


Preparing and harvesting tree produce efficiently to avoid waste.

Selling The Harvest

Transporting the harvest and storing it until the sale and arranging the sale and final transport to the local and international buyers.

How do I invest:

Your dedicated sales representative will contact you to complete the process. Investors can choose almond farmland from our portfolio according to their budget and income year.

Investors need to pay a 10% reservation fee to reserve the property.

After the sales and management contracts are signed, the buyer has to pay a 30% down payment, and the rest can be paid off in 24 months without interest.

You will get ownership upon the completion of the payments.

    Don’t hesitate, contact us for better help and services. Let’s get started

    Field Works

    Invest with Peace of Mind

    Agro Concept is one of the leaders in nut production in Europe. CAG develop, produce, manage, harvest, process, and market the nuts by covering the entire process. We have processing factories in different European countries, and our almond processing facility is one of the largest in the region. We invest in factories, infrastructure, machinery, and brands fully dedicated to our investors. In return, our management company takes 20% of the harvest, so we aim to create a win-win structure for our investors with the income share model. While we manage the entire process, our investors enjoy high investment returns.